Service Areas: San Diego | Riverside | Orange

One Stop Moving and The Coronavirus COVID-19

We are open as usual. See actions we are taking to protect our employees and clients from the Coronavirus COVID-19

We wash our hands when we arrive and leave any location

A Note to Our Community Regarding Corona virus and COVID-19

Our commitment to the health and safety of our employees and customers is our top concern during these difficult times. We will continue to provide our full suite of moving services throughout San Diego, and will be practicing the recommended guidelines (listed below) to reduce the spread of the virus. We will continue to monitor and implement the recommendations as put forth by the California Public Health Administration, Center of Disease Control and World Health Organization.
1.  All of our employees will be required to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds when they:
  • Enter and leave the office
  • Enter and leave a customer’s home
  • Before they eat or drink and after using the restroom

2. We ask our employees to practice giving each other and our customers at least 6 feet of personal space whenever possible.

3. We are asking our employees and customers to please use separate pens when signing paper work to avoid the share of germs.
4. We ask our employees to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.
5. Our employees are asked to stay home if they feel unwell or are showing any symptoms of the virus.  Anyone will be sent home if they have a runny nose, cough or fever.
6. We will be washing and disinfecting our trucks, dollies, water containers, tools and office spaces each night.
We are thankful for our wonderful community for pulling together during this difficult time. We have witnessed countless acts of kindness, concern and random acts of kindness from our customers and community as a whole and are proud to be apart of San Diego.
If there are any changes in our ability to provide our services to you we will contact you immediately with recommendations and next steps.
Stay safe and healthy everyone!
From everyone at One Stop Moving & Storage

Helpful Links

We wash our hands when we arrive and leave any location

How to protect yourself against COVID-19