Preparing Your Emergency Home Kit after Your Move

At OS Moving San Diego, we want you to be prepared for every aspect of living in your new home.  Every time you move, it’s wise to ensure you have a home emergency kit and to know what to do if you have an emergency in your home. Whether you are a single person, elder or parents with children, there should be no side steps that avoid proper preparation for emergencies. Moving San Diego believes that part of moving is that every person should be ready for an emergency just in case.  So, check out our tips that will help you be prepared for an emergency in your new home.

Map Out Emergency Exit Strategies and Rehearse

Identify the shortest and most safe route out of your home in case you have to evacuate.  Check out your windows to be certain they are all fully operational to be ready for evacuation through a window in your home if necessary. Know how much time it will take you to evacuate your home.  Consider the types of belongings, such as daily medications and an emergency suitcase with a few types of clothing, that you will want to bring with you and make them easily accessible.  Check in with any necessary building managers to learn about their requirements for evacuation.  Know where your fire extinguishers are, make certain they are operational and know how to operate them. Rehearse an emergency and test your evacuation plan. It’s also helpful to have local maps on hand should your GPS go out and you have to manage through closed roads in case of a disaster.

First Aid Kit

A complete first aid kit that is easily accessible is highly desirable in times of emergency. The items to include in this kit should cover r many different types of needs, such as, compress dressings, assorted bandages, cloth tape, antibiotic ointments, antiseptic wipes, aspirin, blanket, cold compress, non-latex gloves, hydrocortisone ointment, scissors,   roller bandage, gauze pads, oral thermometer, and tweezers.

Bottled Water and Canned Foods

A minimum three day water supply for every family member can help ensure survival in a disaster. Canned emergency foods can preserve longevity, but don’t forget the can opener.

Space Blanket   

Purchase a space blanket that can assist for warmth, shade and solar power. 


An operational flashlight is handy in times of emergency. Be certain to have extra batteries and bulbs.


A portable radio, with extra batteries, allows you to stay tuned to emergency information.


Matches in a water proof container are a safe bet in case your evacuation leads you into the wilderness.  

Call us today for a free over the phone or in-home estimate that will give you the best price at 858.693.3622!    


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