Time to Arrange Furnishings after Your Move
OS Moving San Diego believes arranging furniture can be quite the adventure after moving. With a decorative eye and a bit of architectural skill, you’ll certainly come up with a refined plan for your furnishings in your new home. Moving into a new home can certainly add a new dimension onto your home design.   So, check out some tips to help keep you on track with your new designs.  It’s certain that your furniture is comprised of a variety of textures and heights which can be paired to bring out a pleasing balance for all of your rooms.  OS Moving San Diego hopes you enjoy this part of your move! 
The Floor Plan
There are floor plans that you can develop online at no charge or you can draw out a floor plan on paper that includes your doors, windows, electrical outlets and traffic paths.
Symmetrical arrangements lend a conservative feel to a room, while asymmetrical arrangements bring out an informal appeal.  You can avoid a cramped style by allowing a 24-48 inches space for traffic paths around seating areas. Show your imaginative style by balancing different furniture heights with contrasting curves and straight lines throughout your room so when a person scans your room furnishings will catch their eyes.
The Focus
Whether it’s your bed, sofa, television, fireplace, every room will certainly have an anchor point. Designing your rooms around the ideal focal point will allow for the focus to stay on the point, while other complimentary furnishings can still stand out with the rest of your design expertise. Generally speaking, the optimal distance of an anchor piece to other furnishings in a living room is 3 times the size of the anchor piece.   
One at a Time Furniture Placement
The largest piece should be placed in each room first. This will make it easy to maneuver it into the ideal location.  Chairs should be placed between 3 and 8 feet apart for quality conversation among those seated.    
Mark Your Distance

For a free over the phone or in-home estimate that will give you the best price for your moving needs, contact us at 858.693.3622!   

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